torsdag 3 april 2014

Madness? This is collectivism!

Från Expressen, några timmar efter att en Djurgårdssupporter misshandlats till döds:
Angreppet från huliganerna var mycket våldsamt. Männen roffade åt sig allt i sin väg när de drev in i lokalen. Matgästerna på krogen drabbades hårt när huliganerna kastade stolar och flaskor mot de sittande gästerna.

– De skrek "nu jävlar ska ni få, Helsingborg! Vi ska döda er!". De tog allt de kom över och använde som tillhyggen mot gästerna. En biljon glasbitar flög omkring, det var som en film av Quentin Tarantino, säger Michel Cavalli. säger Michel Cavalli.
Krogen i fråga är alltså The Headless Swan, Helsingborgs IF:s officiella supporterpub, och Bryan Caplan har självfallet redan skrivit vad som behövs om liknande händelseförlopp - ur inlägget:
Pericles: Have you seen the latest outrage our enemies have committed against us?  We have to strike back.

Strike back against whom?

Pericles: Our enemies, as I said.

Right.  But how will we pinpoint the enemies who perpetrated this heinous act?

Pericles: [sigh] That's a fool's errand.  You never know which particular enemy carried out any particular dastardly deed.

So we should punish some of our enemies for the actions of our other enemies?

Pericles: Exactly.

For example, if the Persians attack us, we might respond by attacking the Macedonians.

Pericles: No, no, no.  If the Persians attack us, we have to respond by attacking the Persians.

To do otherwise would be unjust?

Pericles: Indeed, unless those we attacked were in league with the Persians.

Are all Persians in league with one another?

Pericles: What do you mean?

Has each and every Persian freely sworn to join forces against us?  

Pericles: That sounds most unlikely.

Quite.  And even if every adult Persian had indeed sworn such an oath, Persian infants and children would be incapable of such an oath?

Pericles: Yes, unless their infants and children are very unlike ours. 

So when we "strike back" against the Persians, how careful are we to spare those Persians who have not joined forces against us?

Pericles: Not careful at all, if you want the truth.

When the Persians attack, you are careful not to respond by attacking the Macedonians. 

Pericles: As already explained.

It seems, then, that when our Persian enemies attack, we should be equally careful not to respond by attacking those Persians who remain our friends.  Indeed, we should be equally careful not to respond by attacking neutral Persians who simply wish to mind their own business.
Inlägget är svårt att klippa citat ur, så läs det gärna i sin helhet - det är i vanlig Caplanordning genialiskt i all sin enkelhet.

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