onsdag 19 december 2007

Ny rapport från Unicef

Allt om barn skriver om Unicefs rapport (pdf) om barns situation i världen. Några citat, tabeller och diagram:

In 2006, for the first time, the number of children dying before their fifth birthday fell below 10 million, to 9.7 million – an important milestone in child survival. Around 1960, an estimated 20 million children under age five were dying every year – highlighting an important long-term decline in the global number of child deaths. (Det nämnde jag även här.) The most recent survey data indicate significant improvements in several key child survival interventions that may result in measurable reductions in under-five mortality during the next several years. More than four times as many children received the recommended two doses of vitamin A in 2005 as in 1999.
In addition, between 1990 and 2004, more than 1.2 billion people gained access to improved sources of drinking water. The proportion of the world’s population using improved sources of drinking water increased from 78 per cent to 83 per cent over this period.

Sanitation coverage increased from 49 per cent in 1990 to 59 per cent in 2004.

Almost all regions have made significant progress in education. The gender gap at both primary and secondary levels began closing between 1990 and 2005. Increases in enrolment and attendance reduced the number of primary-school-age children who are out of school from 115 million in 2002 to 93 million in 2005–2006.

Since 1990, underweight prevalence has declined from 32 per cent to 27 per cent in the developing world.

Attendance data based on household surveys show that the number of children of primary school age who are out of school has declined markedly in recent years, from 115 million in 2002 to 93 million in 2005–2006.

The prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting has declined slowly but steadily during the past 15 years.

The combination of improved routine measles immunization coverage and follow-up campaigns providing a second opportunity for children to be immunized has led to a steep reduction in the number of measles deaths: by 60 per cent worldwide and by 75 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa between 1999 and 2005.

Sedan finns det naturligtvis fortfarande problem:
The number of people living with HIV worldwide has continued to rise, and more than 10 million people aged 15–24 are infected with HIV.

Men det är hela tiden samma länder som står för problemen, vad gäller såväl sjukdomar som attityder, och som samhällsanalys kan det vara intressant att se var problemländerna placerar sig vad gäller exempelvis frihet (och ekonomisk frihet) och BNP per capita:
Yet, there are many countries that still have unacceptably high levels of child mortality, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and have made little or no progress in reducing the number of child deaths in recent years.

Sammanfattningsvis så har det varit märkligt tyst om rapporten, och media borde definitivt ta till sig Unicefs konstaterande:
There is much good news to report on the four overarching categories of goals and targets set forth in ‘A World Fit for Children’, although the progress being reported is often mixed.

Så, Christer Sanne - när var egentligen världens tillstånd bättre än nu?

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